  • The core of F-Road's mobile financial solution is the introduction of mobile Internet way of thinking and operation mode. In order to facilitate the development of regional banks and surpass traditional financial services, F-Road came up with four online platforms and the Wechat Bank. The four online platforms are Platform of Secure Payment, Platform of Non-financial Services, Platform of Next Generation Business,and Platform of Internet Finance. These platforms are complementary to each other, and build a closed financial ecosystem altogether. The Platform of Next Generation Business creates competitive financial products while the Platform of Non-financial Services attracts customers. Then the products can be sold to customers on the Platform of internet finance, using the technology on the Platform of Secure Payment. Last but not least, the Wechat Bank is the carrier and the entry point to these platforms. With the omnipresent mobile Internet, F-Road helps financial institutions develop and market their products, extending their services to more customers.